

Before being able to integrate SqlAlchemy with Watson, there are a few things that must be implemented first within your applications config.

  1. Add the init event to your applications configuration.
'events': {
     events.INIT: [
         ('watson.db.listeners.Init', 1, True)
  1. Create a default configuration for a database session.
db = {
    'default': {
        'connection_string': 'sqlite:///:memory:',
        'engine_options': {},
        'session_options': {}

engine_options and session_options are optional values and can contain any kwarg values that create_session and sessionmaker take.


Once configured, the session can be retrieved from the container via container.get('sqlalchemy_session_[session name]').

watson.db also provides a paginator class for paginating a set of results back from SQLAlchemy. Basic usage includes:

# within controller
from watson.db import utils
query = session.query(Model)
paginator = utils.Pagination(query, limit=50)
# within view
{% for item in paginator %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="pagination">
{% for page in paginator.iter_pages() %}
    {% if page == %}
    <a href="#" class="current">{{ page }}</a>
    {% else %}
    <a href="#">{{ page }}</a>
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}