Source code for watson.db.listeners

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from watson.di import ContainerAware
from watson.framework import events

[docs]class Init(ContainerAware): """Bootstraps watson.db into the event system of watson. Each session and engine can be retrieved from the container by using sqlalchemy_engine_[name of engine] and sqlalchemy_session_[name of session] respectively. """ def __call__(self, event): app = if 'db' not in app.config: raise ValueError( 'No db has been configured in your application configuration.') if 'sqlalchemy_declarative_base' not in app.config['dependencies']['definitions']: self.container.add('sqlalchemy_declarative_base', declarative_base(name='Model')) for session, config in app.config['db'].items(): # Configure the engine options and add it to the container engine = 'sqlalchemy_engine_{0}'.format(session) engine_init_args = config.get('engine_options', {}) engine_init_args['name_or_url'] = config['connection_string'] self.container.add(engine, item='watson.db.engine.make_engine', init=engine_init_args) # Configure the session options and add it to the container session_init_args = config.get('session_options', {}) session_init_args['bind'] = engine self.container.add('sqlalchemy_session_{0}'.format(session), item='watson.db.session.Session', init=session_init_args) if ('watson.db.listeners.Complete',) not in app.config['events'].get(events.COMPLETE, {}): app.dispatcher.add( events.COMPLETE, self.container.get('watson.db.listeners.Complete'), 1, False)
[docs]class Complete(ContainerAware): """Cleanups the db session at the end of each request. """ def __call__(self, event): app = if 'db' not in app.config: raise ValueError( 'No db has been configured in your application configuration.') # pragma: no cover for session, config in app.config['db'].items(): session_name = 'sqlalchemy_session_{0}'.format(session) session = self.container.get(session_name) session.close()